Your Place for Emergency and Survival Goods

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Military Whistleblower says America's Takedown is Quickly Approaching; Get Ready Now or Escape

America's Destruction and Financial Collapse is Imminent: Be Aware and Be Prepared

According to high sources from within military circles, banking and intelligence; America's pre-planned downfall and collapse of the U.S. dollar is imminent, according to a Steve Quayle insider alert.

A soon to be retired four star general has relayed specific information and timetables for the planned destruction of America and the U.S. dollar to help destroy the nation through chaos, financial collapse, as well as attacks on American citizens by government agents and military weaponry.

Many will balk at these revelations, but the documentation already exists within military and federal agencies to implement such plans against our own citizens, and many other government whistleblowers confirm such plans are being initiated.

For those who consider this idiotic "conspiracy theory" by tin-foil hat wearing nuts, go back to sleep, it's just a bad dream.

For those who have been paying attention to what's been going on, make any last minute preparations, that you still need to make. The hour is now upon us!

Those who are pushing for the rise of the NWO structure have initiated long-held plans for America's demise as a nation-state, and the re-structuring of the North American Union, with America, Mexico and Canada joined together.

Those plans are the main reason why our U.S. borders have not been secured against illegal immigrants, criminals and terrorists continually infiltrating America, because it helps in our destruction.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Human trafficking for slavery is the 2nd largest illegal enterprise in the world; estimated at $32 billion a year!

Slavery still exists in America for farm, domestic, factory and sex trade workers!

"If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong."
~ Abraham Lincoln

Although slavery was officially abolished with the ratification of the 13th amendment to the U.S. Constitution on December 6, 1865, and it reads as follows:

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

Most modern-day Americans would like to think that slavery in America is virtually non-existent, yet they would be sadly mistaken.

The U.S. Congress passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act in 2000, with several amendments added since that time to help combat the issue of human trafficking for slavery and to help protect those victimized by such evil.

The TVPA defines trafficking as the recruitment of a person by means of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of debt bondage, involuntary servitude, or commercial sex acts.

Many victims are neither physically restrained of under constant supervision, but are methodically broken by proven mind control techniques of possibly physical abuse, threats to the primary victim or other family members, deprived of basic necessities, isolated from family or friends, and use of intimidation or drug addiction, according to Fight Slavery Now.Fight Slavery Now

 In many cases documents or personal belongings are secured and taken away, then controlled by the victim's handler or so-called employer.

In cases such as garment workers, restaurant workers and farm workers; debts are quickly accrued, often through so-called "employment agencies," or through supplying housing or food supplies through a marked-up company store.

In the case of sex-trade workers, the victims are convinced that they are just as criminal as the modern slavers, who are then viewed as the victim's only ally. Fair Use

Once a victim is under the control of modern-day slavers, the victims are continually subjected to physical, mental or sexual abuse, and seemingly never-ending exploitation.

Slavery might not be exactly the way it was in Biblical times or during America's years when blacks were subjected to the evil scourge of slavery, yet it is still slavery, and is an indictment against the human rights records of all nations that allow it to exist in any form.

Many forms of slavery might not be considered as such by most; the construction workers laboring at the World Soccer Cup construction project in Dubai, the children forced into being soldiers in African nations, the child laborers working to produce American clothing, shoes or electronics in Southeast Asia, the young foreign girls forced to work in massage parlors, strip clubs, and in brothels in America and around the world or even the farm workers that harvest the vegetables, chocolate or drugs for both America's and the world's consumption.

Accurate numbers in any illegal business are hard to know for certain, yet the low estimates for the number of humans subjected to some form of slavery are at least 10 million world-wide and some estimate the figures as high as 27 million, higher than at any time in human history, according to

Estimates on humans forced into the sex trade are one every minute of every day, that equates to 525,600 human beings forced in being a sex slave every year. Isn't enough ENOUGH? 

None of us, is truly free, while others remain enslaved.
~Archbishop Desmond Tutu
For The Record: Human Trafficking in the United States/ The Blaze/ Fair Use
   CNN: Child sex slaves in America/ Fair Use

Hollywood's Role in Using Child Actors at Pedophile Parties 

Former child actor and model, Michael Egan has filed civil suits against X-Men director Bryan Singer, producer Gary Goddard, former Disney executive David Newman and executive Garth Ancier, who are all alleged to have been involved in the victimization of young boys at Hollywood sex parties, according to Community Digital News.
Egan's mother reported the abuse at the time to the LAPD and the FBI, with no action being taken, according to the New York Post.
Egan's attorney, Jeff Herman stated that since the filing of the suit, he's been contacted by other victims who are now breaking their silence on the scandalous actions by Hollywood's elite.
Forcing child actors to perform sex acts for movie execs should be punished under the federal TVPA with the maximum prison penalties allowed.
Isn't it time that Americans quite ignoring the rape and exploitation of all children and demand an end to this horrific tragedy?
Or are American businessmen, politicians, judges, law-enforcement and others involved in these hideous crimes worth more than our children?
The CDC estimates that 1 of 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are victims of child sexual abuse before the age of 18, with only 1 out of 20 cases every being reported.
Writer Jerome Elam tells a personal account of being forced and trapped for 7 years, by a well-connected pedophile group that details the horrific story of the crimes done to several innocent children by these evil monsters at Community Digital News.
When will the horror story end for these children?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Prepping is Being Aware and Being Prepared for the Difficulties Ahead

Americans Used to Prepare for Troubling Events That Were Likely to Occur

In days gone by, Americans were used to preparing for various things; such as a tough winter, extreme weather, crop failure, robbers or even a hostile Indian uprising.

It was considered a matter of good common sense to be prepared for such emergencies, as the chance of these things happening was a pretty good bet.

 The odds of you and your family surviving intact after any of these events happened without any real preparations was not good.

The America that we now live in has convinced many of its' citizens that good old Uncle Sam will automatically take care of all your needs in the aftermath of any tragedies, or not.

Yet the mainstream-media and many government officials deride citizens who prepare personally for various emergencies outside of government approved venues as some sort of paranoid conspiracy theorists. Why is that?

For those that do prepare for emergencies by stocking up on food, water and other essentials to assure their own families survival through difficult times is really an act of love, of self-reliance, and understanding that no one can totally depend on government or the kindness of others to help when society falls apart and things are turned upside down.

Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, 9/11 and Waco, Benghazi and Fukushima's nuclear poisoning of the oceans waters should remind us all of our government's failures to inform us or protect us from the true dangers or to take care of life's essentials in the aftermath of such events.

Consider also for a moment that if you have shown wisdom by preparing with food, water and other emergency supplies, you should also be prepared to defend you, your family and your families' life-line supplies from desperate looters, criminals and even terrorists in the event of extreme emergencies. 


Friday, May 2, 2014

The World's Foremost Slavers and Terrorists Are Islamic Radicals


Boko Haram kidnapped 234 teenage girls in Nigeria 2 weeks ago, most are still missing!

Boko Haram, whose name means, "Western education is sinful," is notorious throughout the region for vicious and brutal attacks against Christians, villages, malls; which include suicide bombings and mass shootings.

The April 14, attack on the Government Girls Secondary School in Chibok, Nigeria; was another tragic example of radical Islamists targeting girls, ages 16 to 18, for kidnapping and exploitation, according to the Sidney Morning Herald.

 Although 43 of the girls managed to escape from the truck convoy, the fate or whereabouts of the other 230 victims remains unknown.

Some of the girls may have been transported into nearby countries, such as Chad and Cameroon, while militants claim some of the girls have been forced to marry the groups leaders and others may be sold as sex slaves, according to BBC reports.

AP/ Fair Use
Police respond to kidnapping at girl's school in Chibok




Islamic radicals well-known for forcing child abductees into slavery or use as child soldiers.

Pogo Bitrus, who is a Chibok community leader, stated they have heard reports of the girls being taken into other countries and some being forced into both marriage and sex slavery. 
Bitrus spoke of learning that one of the militant grooms having brought his 'wife' to a nearby town in Cameron in what he described as, "It's a medieval kind of slavery," Bitrus said, according to the BBC.
"I'm crying now as community leader to alert the world to what's happening, so that some pressure would be brought to bear on government to act," said Bitrus, according to the BBC.   
Abubakar Shekau, leader of Boko Haram reportedly threatened to treat captured women and girls as slaves in a 2013 video, according to the BBC.
Convert or Die!

Boko Haram leader threatens schools


Radicals don't seem to hold to Islam being a "religion of peace," as has been promoted by several recent U.S. presidents, including both George W. Bush and President Barack Obama.
Apparently, they don't have time to read the world news! 
sahara reporters new York/ Fair Use
Boko Haram's leaders/  Abubahar Sheakau is center
CNN security/ Fair Use
Nigerian wanted poster for Boko Haram leader  
There is currently a $7 million bounty on the head of  Abubakar Sheakau, issued by the U.S. State Dept., with over $320,000 offered simply for information leading to his arrest, according to CNN security reports.

Western Governments Protects Islam by Prosecuting Those Who Speak-out on It's Horrific Practices

This seems to be the case in the arrest of Paul Weston, the chairman of the Liberty GB party in Winchester, Britain, according to 
Weston was arrested for using a megaphone to quote these words about the dangers of Islam from Winston Churchill's book, "The River War:"  
Churchill said, "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!"
"Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live," Churchill continued.
"A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men," Churchill prophetically warned.
"Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith,” Churchill concluded, according to The River War.
Has telling the truth about the dangers of Islamic migration into Western nations now become a crime? Weston believes that to be the case, as he explains in an interview on Liberty GB's YouTube channel, "Furthermore, the Muslims don't come as immigrants to assimilate, but as invaders to make Britain their territory," said Weston according to this interview.

Liberals in America Seek to Silence the Truth with the "Hate Crimes Reporting Act of 2014."

 In another attempt to silence any opposition to liberals "politically correct" views, that will only further erode protected free speech in America, Sen. Ed Markey, (D-Mass.) introduces his "Hate Crimes Reporting Act of 2014," according to
Liberal groups never quit trying to stop the free speech rights of other's viewpoints with such ironic titled examples like the "Fairness Doctrine," that tried to limit conservative talk radio by forcing radio stations to give equal time to the opposing viewpoint.






Saturday, January 18, 2014

Being Aware of the Evil Forces That Manipulate Humans to Commit Atrocities!

Satanic Soldiers Have Been Released for Targeted Killings!

The victim was forty-year-old Trinh Huynh, a Vietnamese refugee, whose friends said she was proud to be an American and provided free legal work to many victims of modern sex-slavery. 

The alleged killer was arrested after running a red light and was already wanted for two aggravated assaults that occurred just the day before the the attack.

It seems as if demonic entities are manifesting more frequently and causing sense-less violence to people's families, co-workers and those of other religions. Could this be a part of the Black Awakening of Satanic super-soldiers such as are depicted in Russ Dizar's book, The Black Awakening? 

It's real hard to deny the dramatic rise in sense-less, wanton violence that's occurring in America and around the world with mass murders of family members, co-workers or by homicidal, radical Muslims that seek to steal, kill and destroy innocent people's lives because of demonic beings influencing them through hatred, jealousy and other negative emotions that leave open doors to demonic manifestations.

Of course, in our modern world no one wants to believe that this spiritual, malevolent dimension even exists and can strongly influence or co-opt humans to do their destructive acts to God's creation.
Open your eyes before it's too late, or simply ask God to reveal the truth to you, but be careful what you ask for, as God will answer!

Be aware and be prepared for the dark days that are coming in an onslaught.

Some of you may realize that there are evil entities already influencing your actions. In that case, seek God's direction for where and who to turn to for counseling and deliverance from this evil.

May God comfort you, deliver you from evil and give you peace, by the power and authority in the precious name of His Son, Jesus Christ. Remember this, Jesus already has given us power and authority over these fallen entities, but you should be covered with the blood of Jesus and walking in the power of God's Holy Spirit!

Mark 16:16-17 (NLT) Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. 17 These signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak new languages.

Luke 10:19 (KJV)

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Believe in Jesus Christ and become aware of what's going on in the world, for your sake and those who you love. God bless you.

Being Aware of the Evil Forces That Manipulate Humans to Commit Atrocities May Help You to Survive the Dark Times!

AP/ Fair Use
Pope Francis is credited with performing an exorcism by laying his hands on this man in a wheelchair, who first convulsed, then slumped in his wheelchair.
Many Catholics in Mexico are turning to the Catholic church for spiritual help in combating the evil forces that seem to control the drug cartels as they continue their slaughter of people to claim over 80,000 victims in the last 15 years. 
Exorcism rituals are rising as former cartel members leave and are troubled by demons. Several members have been exorcised by Father Ernesto Caro of Monterrey, Mexico in an ongoing series of deliverance from demons according to a article.
While secular critics might laugh at saying the devil made me do it, committing certain sins or truly heinous acts can open humans up to demonization by evil spirits.

 Once humans open themselves up to inside influence by these evil spirits, they usually go on to commit more heinous atrocities for pleasure without experiencing any remorse.

 The above linked article quotes one cartel member as saying he derived pleasure and even laughed while chopping victims into pieces while still alive.
As Americans, we might be distanced from the horrendous evil crimes perpetrated throughout Mexico by the drug cartels, yet are we not seeing more and more evil acts throughout America?
Consider that mass shootings have doubled since 2008, with suspects such as the D.C. Navy yard shooter reporting hearing voices and saying he was being controlled by outside forces.

 How about the rise of instances of abducting people to torture and use as sex slaves? Or the cases of cannibalism, whether from drug use or just a diet preference.

Are these kinds of immoral and criminal behavior not examples of true evil or possibly demonic inspiration?

"Man-eating" tigers in India
Even the animals seem to be going crazy, as the BBC in India reports 17 incidents of tigers attacking and eating humans in the last five weeks. Are we experiencing animals and humans going insane or are these manifestations of demonic forces at work?
People in India are scared to death in the areas where the tiger attacks have occurred, even laborers fearing to go to work because of having to travel after the "tiger curfew."

After two of the "man-eaters" have been captured, the attacks continue on humans and livestock.
  Joydip Suchandra Kundu/ Fair Use
Travelers give way to a roaming tiger

On January 19, 2014 two women in Germantown, Md., Zakieya L. Avery, 28, and Monifa Sanford, 21, have been charged with multiple counts of first degree murder and attempted murder according to the Washington Post.

 In what was said by police interviewers to be an attempted deliverance, the two women tried to perform a deliverance on Avery's children by stabbing them to death.

Exorcism rituals should probably be left to trained professionals, and usually start with a Bible and prayer, rather than kitchen knives.