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Friday, May 15, 2015

Jade Helm 15 Exercise or Preparations for American Martial Law!

What Are You Going To Do When They Come for You?

Many Americans are rightly concerned about the upcoming Jade Helm 15 military exercises that are scheduled to start July 15 and to run through Sept. 15 in Texas and other southwestern states.

As more information continues to come out about these military exercises, people's concerns are escalating, since the explanations given by military officials just don't withstand any real examination.

For example, why would our military drill in American cities for civil unrest or dissident extractions that will eventually be done in cities of the Middle-East?

Why would military maps pertaining to the Jade Helm 15 drills show Texas, Utah and areas in southern California as hostile areas?

Just how does the military explain videos of similar military drills that happened recently in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida? These videos showed them rounding up role-playing dissidents and loading them into prisoner transport vehicles?

How do they explain the videos showing role-players shouting that they are 'Sovereign Citizens?'
Sovereign Citizens are considered domestic terrorists, but are only found in America?

If this is only a military exercise, why is the military staging large stockpiles of 'microwave weapons platforms' in rural areas of Texas?

At a time when trust in our United States government agencies is at an all-time low, racial civil unrest continues to break-out in riots, and our government agencies are continuously stockpiling massive amounts of ammunition, assault rifles, MRAPs, as well as emergency food and water stockpiles.

Yet we are told that there's nothing to be concerned about, you wacko tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists! Go back to watching the lame-stream media so that you don't get off-track in your thinking.

If your thinking doesn't line-up with what the MSM media and our governmental officials want you to think, they may have to round you up along with the other dissidents when the Jade Helm 15 exercise goes live!

Bad boys, Bad girls Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when Jade Helm comes for you?

To read my fictional account of where Jade Helm 15 and other events might well be taking us to, read my new novel, 'America is Fallen Into Chaos, In the Midst of Jade Helm 15.'