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Monday, March 27, 2017

Trump's Wiretapped Claims Confirmed By House Intel Com. Chair

Trump's Wiretap Claims Validated

Trump's controversial tweet about Obama's wiretapping his phones prior and after the election have been confirmed by Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA).

Peter King confirms wiretapping Trump's transition team with unmasking

Another confirmation of Obama's admin. wiretapping Trump and company: not only that, but the people in Trump's transition team were unmasked or identified by name and information about those transcripts was widely disseminated throughout the very Democratic leaders and Whitehouse officials. Conclusion, there was some illegalities here, and the Dems razing a ruckus over Trump's claims and Russian election conspiracies are just diversionary tactics. Dems attacking Nune for disclosing the truth on this subject is just hypocritical attacks on the messanger to further confuse other loyal Dems to the real scandals in their own house. Typical Democratic politics!

Obama and Top Dems Admit There's No Truth to Trump/Russian Collusion!

According to an article by award-winning journalist,  Glenn Greenwald writes,Many Democrats have reached the classic stage of deranged conspiracists wherein evidence that disproves the theory is viewed as further proof of its existence, and those pointing to it are instantly deemed suspect.”

Greenwald added, "Many of them (Democrats" tried to signal that the beliefs the base has been led to adopt have no basis in reason or evidence. As it turns out, it's a fact-less conspiracy."

NSA, CIA Contractor Blows the Whistle on Obama-era Illegal Wiretaps

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Immigration, Border Security,Terrorists, Drug Cartels, MS-13, and Violent Crime

Immigration, National & Border Security, Violent Crime

Since the start of Trump's presidential campaign, the issues of illegal and legal immigration, border security, national security, terrorism and violent crime have been at the forefront of domestic social issues, 

This tale of three unaccompanied minors from El Salvador only tells a small part of the many problems and reasons for this being such a controversial issue. 

Throughout this story by the Washington Post, there are aspects that deal with the violent and deadly MS-13 gang, human smuggling through coyotes with ties to drug cartels that control most of the border smuggling areas, and ends with two of the minors allegedly taking part in the killing of the third minor, Reyes Riva, with other MS-13 gang members.

Could these minors be some of the bad hombres that President Donald Trump was referring to in per-election speeches? The three were also some of the unaccompanied minors that former President Barack Hussein Obama allowed to come here. So who is right? 

This story started with Ms. Reyes coming to the US illegally to escape possible gangland violence in El Salvador, gang violence that soon followed her daughter here and ends up claiming her 12 year-old daughters life.  

 (12 yr.-old Damaris Alexandra Reyes Rivas’s body near an industrial park
 in Springfield, Va., Washington Post website)

Police have arrested 10 people in connection to this gang-related killing, as well as six more for a related slaying — a terrifying sign of MS-13’s violent resurgence in the Washington region.

Washington police have arrested 10 people for the gang-related slaying of young Ms. Reyes Riva; as well as six others for another related murder. Were these all juveniles and how exactly how many came to the US as unaccompanied minors under the Obama's immigration policies?

This is a grim reminder that allowing open borders and unchecked illegal immigration, even for unaccompanied minors coming into our country can have serious consequences. with the families bringing gang-related violent crime, especially when those we seem to have rescued become both the victims and perpetrators of more gang violence, rather than escaping it.

Two Illegal Aliens Rape 14-yr-old Girl at Md. School

Two boys from Guatemala, one 17 yr-old and the other 18, are alleged to have repeatedly raped a 14-yr-old girl in a school bathroom stall at 9am. These likely fall into the "bad hombre" category according to Trump's views of criminal, illegal immigrants that we don't need or want in this country.

Oh, did I mention that 18 yr-old Henry Sanchez had an outstanding ICE detainer for deportation, but felt safe in Maryland schools and was enrolled as an 9th grader.

18 yr old Henry Sanchez (Courtesy of WND)

Why can't liberal Democrats understand that these kind of incidents of violent criminal behavior by illegal immigrants is no longer a rare exception, but a frequent occurrence in many US cities? 

How do open borders and unchecked migration into the US play into the violent crime and acts of terrorism that we see in a never-ending stream for both the illegals and even those who are here on legitimate visa? As Trump clearly stated, "We (Americans) need to stop the flow of immigrants entirely until we can get a handle on it."

Maryland is considered one of the safest states on the Eastern seaboard for illegal immigrants and refugees to seek sanctuary and the state is considering legislation to make it a sanctuary state. Let's see if we can compound liberal Demon-cratic idiocy. Yet, we wonder why conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh refers to liberals as low-information voters?

Do the Democrats that support open borders and unchecked immigration have an ulterior motive? Or are they just too opposed to Trump to engage the brains in the reasons and practicality of the necessity of such moves? Or maybe they just don't have a catchy phrase for supporting it, since it's not one of their pet party platforms? Can they really be that stupid? Just wondering, don't answer that?

Maybe it's part of an agenda to help cause chaos in American cities to help usher in a New World Order?! Can you hand me my tinfoil hat and a vaccine, I don't want my brain fried or to catch whatever is wrong with these people!   

Maybe they are so caught up in the emotions of children and families trying to escape war, poverty, gang violence, etc to think things through. That sounds about right.. Here, put my hat back in the closet, I'm not quite ready to come out of it yet.

Thanks to the policies of Barack Obama and his horde of liberal Demon-crats who invited minors and all illegal immigrants to come here via safe passage by tying the hands of ICE and Border Patrols. It makes me sick! 

Even liberal Dems can only claim ignorance for so long and you should be held accountable here and when you stand before God for all the shattered lives and blood on your hands for your actions that directly cause such devastation to American children!

Go Trump! Keep them out, send them home or lock them up!

MS-13 Member, Stabs Two Women and Molests 2 yr.-old

After being deported four times, a MS-13 gang member was arrested and held without bail for stabbing one woman over a marijuana deal. He then went to the place where he was staying to stab his girlfriend when confronted with the injuries inflicted by molesting the 2 year-old girl he was supposed to be watching.

Tommy Vladim Alvarado-Ventura, 31, attacked the child Tuesday in the Long Island town of Hempstead while the girl's mother was at work and he was babysitting, Nassau County Police said in a news release. Prosecutors said he later attacked a woman outside a bar early Wednesday after getting into an argument over buying marijuana, punching and stabbing her in the back, thigh and mouth before running away, according to police. The woman was hospitalized with a collapsed lung. When he returned to the apartment, ...

Two Iraqi and One Sudan "Refugees" Sexually Assault 5 yr.-old Girl

Lacy Peterson with her 5 yr-old girl, Jayla. (

Now, the liberal refugee supporters are openly maligning the special needs, little girl and her family, as if they are to blame for what happened. The evil of these people, both the perpetrators and the refugee supporters are capable of never ceases to amaze people throughout the civilized world.

Of course, the American people were assured that these kind of incidents could never happen and were surely just something imagined by bigoted Islamaphobes on the right.

Well, it turns out these kind of sexual assaults are happening everywhere that the "refugees" have gone in their host countries. What we should we expect? We are dealing with a  death cult whose "holy book" teaches that everyone who isn't a good Muslim is a second-class human (infidel) to be abused, enslaved, robbed, raped and in the end brutally killed to usher in their 12th imam.

Thanks to President Trump and his ban on Muslims, renewed, stricter vetting procedures, tighter border security and deportation of criminals and terrorists, (which have nothing to do with Islam, of course), maybe we can stop this insanity of the liberal Demon-crats bringing their radical Muslim (wanna be terrorists) from the chaos of their stealing, killing and destroying America.

Is liberalism a brain-disease or just a deficiency? I can't help but wonder....

If you choose to ignore all the facts of problems within certain groups of immigrants, then it would seem to be bigotry or discrimination based on religion, but the reality it's realizing that these groups obviously have some criminal and terrorist psycho problems! 

Why is that the case?  

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Has the Democrat Party Become a Terrorist Haven?

Democrat Party Enables IT Terrorists?

Americans that still possess any degree common sense and don't let their political party tell them what to think about reality or social issues have long seen the negligent and possibly now criminal behavior within the Democrat Party as they welcome any criminal, pedophiles violent thugs and now top IT guys have been realized to be associates of known terrorists groups.  

Of course the Democrat Party would like you to focus your attention on Trump and the Russians or any problem they can conjure up on any and every Trump pick for dog catcher or whatever?

But please, don't look and notice that three of the Democratic leaders IT guys were just escorted as they were removed from their positions by U.S. Capitol Police. They probably did that due to discrimination from Trump attacks on upstanding Muslims here, right? 

No, that's not right!

Three Pakistani brothers with top access to the computer systems within the U.S. House of Representatives are now targets of a criminal probe that's being ignored by the Democrats bought and paid for main-stream media outlets. All you will hear of this at these outlets are "false rumors of a procurement scam or mostly; birds chirping!

The brothers, Imran Awan, Abid Awan and Jamal Moiz Awan,  were the “shared employees” of at least 31 Democratic Congressional Representatives, and had complete and direct access to at least three sensitive committees; the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Homeland Security Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee

Apparently, the Democrats should start vetting the leaders, presidential candidates, aides and their IT guys, since it's been realized the three brothers have suspected or known affiliations with the terrorists groups Hezbllah and the Muslim Brotherhood. The scandals just keep piling up, not just for the Clinton criminal group, but it seems throughout the DNC leadership as well. Imagine that?

Insiders aware of all the national security implications and the possible fallout for the DNC as a whole should have folks worried and Democrats should be running for their lives and reputations sake.

Or maybe they hope for enough pull to call in a cleaning crew to sweep this pile of corruption and stupidity under a rug. That is, if they can find a rug big enough! 

The group got their start inside by providing computer services to none other than disgraced former Democratic National Committee chairperson and Fl.-D Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Oh, by the way, if you recall it was Schultz's emails that were "hacked" during the debacle of the 2016 election while she served as the DNC's chair.

That's certainly just by coincidence, I'm sure!???! 

The same goes for other Democrats that used the brothers for IT work; the second Muslim elected to the House of Representatives, Andre Carson, and Jack Spier, who was one of eight Dems who asked for additional funding so that the Awan brothers could secure Top Secret/ SCI level clearance. At some point, their negligence and incompetence must become treasonous complicity in this matter if intelligence or national security information has been misused.

But, at least the Democrats that used the Awan's computer services paid them well, three times the salary of a normal IT guy. I guess treasonous IT work pays alot better?The three were paid roughly $160, 000 a piece per year, rather than the usual $55,000 most were paid. Two of the Awan's wives were also on the Democrat's payroll.

You would think that it might dawn on some Democrats that to continue ignoring all relevant facts that diametrically oppose your current party positions and welcoming everyone un-vetted into our country with government jobs might not seem to be a good idea any more.

Keep ignoring the facts to your own peril, and to the peril of the future of the Democrat's party as we now know it!

Main-stream media will also continue to lose customers and viewers as they continue to ignore the facts of these scandal within their favored liberal party!

Much More than a Procurement Scam

Investigators familiar with the case being built against the Awans reveal that the trio had set up an external server and copied information from Congressional computers to their off-site server, reportedly stealing documents, records, emails and other sensitive, possibly even classified information from their own server. 

Investigators determined that not only did the Awan brothers have access to highly sensitive information, they set up an external server and copied information from Congressional computers to their off-site server, reportedly stealing documents, records, emails and other sensitive and classified information to the server under their sole control.
For any of you die-hard liberal Democrats or media figures that typically attacks and destroys anyone who attacks the reality of things with painful truths, don't even bother to attack me. I'm just a conservative blogger that knows bullshit when I see and hear it., but I'm just an echo chamber for the painful truths that are already out there!
 Attacking me won't do you any good. My reputation was in shambles long ago, there's nothing left to lose! Except for my reputation for telling the truth even if it pisses everyone off, including me.
One last note of coincidence, that the context of the raid in Yemen on January 29, 2017 when a U.S. Navy Seal was killed, was just four days before the Awan brothers were banned from the premises of the U.S. Capitol. 
The truth in the end will probably shock even the most hardened among us, at least if you have an aversion to difficult truths and haven't been paying attention.

Just one question for loyal, liberal Democrats that made it this far: After all the scandals within the Democrat party, are you still proud to be a Democrat in-spite of all the inconvenient truths coming out about your party and it's infamous leaders?

Former Muslim, Labels Pro/Liberals Appeasement of Islam Foolish

Indoctrinating U.S. Children with Islam via Common Core in Your Public Schools 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Two-State Solution Impossible?

The reality on the ground in the Israeli and Palestinian conflict and the proposed "Two-State Solution," is quite different from what it appears to be according the liberals bought-and-paid for main-stream media outlets, according to this Canadian journalist Faith Goldy while filming for her conservative show On The Hunt

Goldy went to Israel to see for herself the situation between the people there, both Palestinians and Jews and whether the proposed two-state solution was possible.

According to Goldy, “We’ve talked to everyone. We’ve talked to Palestinians, pollsters, Israeli members of Knesset, journalists, people from the right, left, pro-Palestinian, pro-Israel, two-state solution, one-state solution…  

She added that, “Frankly, this has been one big myth-busting trip. I came here with an open mind." After the trip and talking to people on both sides of this highly controversial issue, Goldy concludes with Hell, there is no solution,” she said in exasperation.

Check out Goldy's video or read more at Christian journalist exposes myths of the Two-State Solution.

The other reality that Ms. Goldy doesn't touch on in the situation are that the Jews in Israel are not racists targeting and oppressing Muslims, but simply trying to protect their citizens from murderous terrorists that indoctrinate their children from a young age to hate and want to kill Jews with continual anti-Jew/Israel propaganda.

 How is it that the Western governments and liberal media outlets spread the fallacy that everyone concerned about Islamic radicals infiltrating their countries to steal, kill and destroy the societies are presented as hateful Islamaphobes, while the same people condone and overlook the only real racist, hateful and murderous rhetoric coming from Palestinians and many with a the Muslim worldview.

How can you come to a peaceful agreement with any group sworn to your destruction and with that goal clearly stated even in the "constitution of the Palestinians?" US President Donald Trump is clearly right for trying to quell the Islamic invasion of the United States and those that aren't indoctrinated with hateful rhetoric or brain-dead should be able to understand it if they didn't continually ignore all the facts of the true situation.

The walking-dead-head liberals will only understand this when it's their own heads being loped off!

Germany Having Second Thought About Radical Muslims

 Radical mosque closed after 400 police perform a search and raid on it and four homes of cult leaders. Mosque officials are alleged to have been recruiting soldiers for ISIS intent on sending the recruits to Syria and Iraq. 

So much for the conspiracy theorist, Islamaphobes that portrayed the Muslim immigrant situation as a way for radicals to enter the EU and other Western nations just to escape war and poverty.

 The evidence is now overwhelming that the many of the followers of their prophet Mohammed do what their leaders words tell them to do, kill the infidels, steal and rape their women and children, and destroy and takeover these infidel nations! 

They are doing just as Jesus foretold of Satan's children, they are here to steal, kill and destroy. To quote Al Gore from a matter in which he was wrong, "the debate is over."