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Monday, March 27, 2017

Trump's Wiretapped Claims Confirmed By House Intel Com. Chair

Trump's Wiretap Claims Validated

Trump's controversial tweet about Obama's wiretapping his phones prior and after the election have been confirmed by Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA).

Peter King confirms wiretapping Trump's transition team with unmasking

Another confirmation of Obama's admin. wiretapping Trump and company: not only that, but the people in Trump's transition team were unmasked or identified by name and information about those transcripts was widely disseminated throughout the very Democratic leaders and Whitehouse officials. Conclusion, there was some illegalities here, and the Dems razing a ruckus over Trump's claims and Russian election conspiracies are just diversionary tactics. Dems attacking Nune for disclosing the truth on this subject is just hypocritical attacks on the messanger to further confuse other loyal Dems to the real scandals in their own house. Typical Democratic politics!

Obama and Top Dems Admit There's No Truth to Trump/Russian Collusion!

According to an article by award-winning journalist,  Glenn Greenwald writes,Many Democrats have reached the classic stage of deranged conspiracists wherein evidence that disproves the theory is viewed as further proof of its existence, and those pointing to it are instantly deemed suspect.”

Greenwald added, "Many of them (Democrats" tried to signal that the beliefs the base has been led to adopt have no basis in reason or evidence. As it turns out, it's a fact-less conspiracy."

NSA, CIA Contractor Blows the Whistle on Obama-era Illegal Wiretaps

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