Two-State Solution Impossible?
The reality on the ground in the Israeli and Palestinian conflict and the proposed "Two-State Solution," is quite different from what it appears to be according the liberals bought-and-paid for main-stream media outlets, according to this Canadian journalist Faith Goldy while filming for her conservative show On The Hunt.
Goldy went to Israel to see for herself the situation between the people there, both Palestinians and Jews and whether the proposed two-state solution was possible.
According to Goldy, “We’ve talked to everyone. We’ve talked to Palestinians, pollsters, Israeli members of Knesset, journalists, people from the right, left, pro-Palestinian, pro-Israel, two-state solution, one-state solution…
She added that, “Frankly, this has been one big myth-busting trip. I came here with an open mind." After the trip and talking to people on both sides of this highly controversial issue, Goldy concludes with Hell, there is no solution,” she said in exasperation.
Check out Goldy's video or read more at Christian journalist exposes myths of the Two-State Solution.
The other reality that Ms. Goldy doesn't touch on in the situation are that the Jews in Israel are not racists targeting and oppressing Muslims, but simply trying to protect their citizens from murderous terrorists that indoctrinate their children from a young age to hate and want to kill Jews with continual anti-Jew/Israel propaganda.
How is it that the Western governments and liberal media outlets spread the fallacy that everyone concerned about Islamic radicals infiltrating their countries to steal, kill and destroy the societies are presented as hateful Islamaphobes, while the same people condone and overlook the only real racist, hateful and murderous rhetoric coming from Palestinians and many with a the Muslim worldview.
How can you come to a peaceful agreement with any group sworn to your destruction and with that goal clearly stated even in the "constitution of the Palestinians?" US President Donald Trump is clearly right for trying to quell the Islamic invasion of the United States and those that aren't indoctrinated with hateful rhetoric or brain-dead should be able to understand it if they didn't continually ignore all the facts of the true situation.
The walking-dead-head liberals will only understand this when it's their own heads being loped off!
Germany Having Second Thought About Radical Muslims
Radical mosque closed after 400 police perform a search and raid on it and four homes of cult leaders. Mosque officials are alleged to have been recruiting soldiers for ISIS intent on sending the recruits to Syria and Iraq.
So much for the conspiracy theorist, Islamaphobes that portrayed the Muslim immigrant situation as a way for radicals to enter the EU and other Western nations just to escape war and poverty.
The evidence is now overwhelming that the many of the followers of their prophet Mohammed do what their leaders words tell them to do, kill the infidels, steal and rape their women and children, and destroy and takeover these infidel nations!
They are doing just as Jesus foretold of Satan's children, they are here to steal, kill and destroy. To quote Al Gore from a matter in which he was wrong, "the debate is over."
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