Slavery still exists in America for farm, domestic, factory and sex trade workers!
"If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong."
~ Abraham Lincoln
~ Abraham Lincoln
Although slavery was officially abolished with the ratification of the 13th amendment to the U.S. Constitution on December 6, 1865, and it reads as follows:
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."
Most modern-day Americans would like to think that slavery in America is virtually non-existent, yet they would be sadly mistaken.
The U.S. Congress passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act in 2000, with several amendments added since that time to help combat the issue of human trafficking for slavery and to help protect those victimized by such evil.
The TVPA defines trafficking as the recruitment of a person by means of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of debt bondage, involuntary servitude, or commercial sex acts.
Many victims are neither physically restrained of under constant supervision, but are methodically broken by proven mind control techniques of possibly physical abuse, threats to the primary victim or other family members, deprived of basic necessities, isolated from family or friends, and use of intimidation or drug addiction, according to Fight Slavery Now.Fight Slavery Now
In many cases documents or personal belongings are secured and taken away, then controlled by the victim's handler or so-called employer.
In cases such as garment workers, restaurant workers and farm workers; debts are quickly accrued, often through so-called "employment agencies," or through supplying housing or food supplies through a marked-up company store.
In the case of sex-trade workers, the victims are convinced that they are just as criminal as the modern slavers, who are then viewed as the victim's only ally.
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Once a victim is under the control of modern-day slavers, the victims are continually subjected to physical, mental or sexual abuse, and seemingly never-ending exploitation.
Slavery might not be exactly the way it was in Biblical times or during America's years when blacks were subjected to the evil scourge of slavery, yet it is still slavery, and is an indictment against the human rights records of all nations that allow it to exist in any form.
Many forms of slavery might not be considered as such by most; the construction workers laboring at the World Soccer Cup construction project in Dubai, the children forced into being soldiers in African nations, the child laborers working to produce American clothing, shoes or electronics in Southeast Asia, the young foreign girls forced to work in massage parlors, strip clubs, and in brothels in America and around the world or even the farm workers that harvest the vegetables, chocolate or drugs for both America's and the world's consumption.
Accurate numbers in any illegal business are hard to know for certain, yet the low estimates for the number of humans subjected to some form of slavery are at least 10 million world-wide and some estimate the figures as high as 27 million, higher than at any time in human history, according to
Estimates on humans forced into the sex trade are one every minute of every day, that equates to 525,600 human beings forced in being a sex slave every year. Isn't enough ENOUGH?
“None of us, is truly free, while others remain enslaved.“
~Archbishop Desmond Tutu
For The Record: Human Trafficking in the United States/ The Blaze/ Fair Use
CNN: Child sex slaves in America/ Fair Use
Hollywood's Role in Using Child Actors at Pedophile Parties
Former child actor and model, Michael Egan has filed civil suits against X-Men director Bryan Singer, producer Gary Goddard, former Disney executive David Newman and executive Garth Ancier, who are all alleged to have been involved in the victimization of young boys at Hollywood sex parties, according to Community Digital News.
Egan's mother reported the abuse at the time to the LAPD and the FBI, with no action being taken, according to the New York Post.
Egan's attorney, Jeff Herman stated that since the filing of the suit, he's been contacted by other victims who are now breaking their silence on the scandalous actions by Hollywood's elite.
Forcing child actors to perform sex acts for movie execs should be punished under the federal TVPA with the maximum prison penalties allowed.
Isn't it time that Americans quite ignoring the rape and exploitation of all children and demand an end to this horrific tragedy?
Or are American businessmen, politicians, judges, law-enforcement and others involved in these hideous crimes worth more than our children?
The CDC estimates that 1 of 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are victims of child sexual abuse before the age of 18, with only 1 out of 20 cases every being reported.
Writer Jerome Elam tells a personal account of being forced and trapped for 7 years, by a well-connected pedophile group that details the horrific story of the crimes done to several innocent children by these evil monsters at Community Digital News.
When will the horror story end for these children?