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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Time to Stop Marijuana Prohibition in the U.S.

High Time to End U.S. Marijuana Prohibition 

by S.L. Cockerham

Conspiracy to Prohibit with Fraud by the Corrupt

It's "high time" for the US governmental agencies to stop their overreach in trying to tell their citizens what plants (mainly marijuana) they can grow, use and consume. When marijuana was originally made illegal it was through fraud and greed so that corporate and their government cronies could make money on petro-chemicals by getting hemp and marijuana out of the pictures, as it was used for paper, rope, fuel oil.

See Jack Herer's book, "The Emperor Wears No Clothes," that goes into specifics about the collusion between industry giants, bankers and their corrupt cronies in places of governmental power to perpetuate fraud on the American people to make industrial hemp and marijuana illegal so that their greed for profits could build the wood pulp paper and petro chemicals industries to make things (rope, oils paper) that hemp had previously been used to make.

 It's still the same greed and fraud that has Big Pharma,their lobbyists and their already "bought-and-paid for" politicians keeping marijuana illegal, so they can still sell you highly toxic poisons like opiates and anti-anxiety medications. The largest funders of the opposition to legalizing marijuana are pharmaceutical companies, prison suppliers and casino magnates. Won't you rather be using a basically harmless plant that you can grow and medicate yourself with than the synthetic chemicals with all their side-effects?

According to most recent Pew Research polls 57% of Americans surveyed are in favor of legalizing marijuana, while recent CNN polls have that number at 60%, with a soaring 88% favoring legalization of medical marijuana and 71% saying they oppose federal government interference in states with legalized marijuana. It's time for our populist politicians to hear what Americans favor on the issue of marijuana legalization.

Most Americans have family members that likely have been caught up in questionable legal troubles for getting caught with parts of a plant in their possession. For God's sake, it's time to put a stop to these unjust laws of America's fraudulent war on marijuana that victimizes it's otherwise law-abiding citizens, to the tune of 500,000 victims each year!

Marijuana Is a God-given Plant for Us to Use
God created all plants according to Genesis chapter 1, where He stated that they were excellent in every way. Then in Genesis 1:29-31(NLT), God gave man and his descendants the right to eat, use and consume all seed-bearing plants and fruit trees throughout the earth, (with only one exception, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not marijuana) along with the responsibility to tend the garden.

Genesis 1:29-31 (NLT) And God said, "Look! I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. v.30 And I have given all the grasses and other green plants to the animals and the birds for their food." And so it was. v.31 Then God looked over all he had made and he saw that it was excellent in every way. This all happened on the sixth day.

While I understand that many don't agree with my Biblical quotes, the creation story or that there is even a God, but the fact remains that most basic, moral laws in Western civilizations are based on Biblical concepts of morality and what we all recognize as being right for living in a civilized society. Furthermore, many politicians either believe in God or at least profess that belief and hold to platitudes of godly morality, especially when it comes to the war on drugs and being tough on crime.

Isn't high time these politicians hear what God actually stated on the rights of people to use, grow and consume the plants he created for that purpose and get off their high "Trojan" horse that was conceived with fraud and corruption, and acknowledge these God-given rights of the citizens of this country.

Who do these know-it-all politicians think they are, going against what God has so clearly stated and trying to usurp the authority and rights God has clearly given to all the descendants of man? I don't know about the rest of you all, but when government or it's laws go against what God has clearly stated in his Word. I'll trust and side with God and let the politicians and untrustworthy government officials be damned.
Americans have wised up to this fraud and demand that Trump and these government authorities stop this insanity and stop marijuana prohibition and all regulations pertaining to Americans right to grow, use and consume this beneficial, God-given plant Now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. All seed-bearing plants and fruit trees are our God-given right to grow, use and consume how we see fit, unless we are using them to hurt someone else. American politicians need to stop going against God and the rights he clearly gave to all people, now!

Just the fact that medical marijuana is now legal in 29 of fifty states and there's books such as "What's Wrong with My Marijuana Plant," should clue political dimwits stuck in the "Reefer Madness Era," that they are now and always have been on the wrong side of this issue of marijuana prohibition.

The government propaganda video, "Reefer Madness," proceeded decades of governmental insanity where they demonized a God-given plant through misinformation and resulted in the arrests of a half million otherwise law-abiding U.S. citizens for simply possessing small amounts of this beneficial plant. Here's the video that helped start the real madness by demonizing a plant that God said was "excellent in every way."

1936 Gov. Prop. Video 
"Reefer Madness"

Isn't it about time to stop the actual insanity inspired by "Reefer Madness," by eradicating this fraudulent government's persecuting Americans for using a plant sanctioned by God?  American citizens should demand an end to the wrongful prohibition of Marijuana without any more over-reaching government regulations to regulate Americans use, consumption and home cultivation of marijuana in any way shape or form?

Are all men created equal as far as marijuana is concerned?

It seems that the elected federal officials are showing us once again that they are above the laws that they so "wisely" decide the rest of us peons must follow, at least as far as marijuana prohibition is concerned, since it's legal for both medical and recreational use in Washington, D.C. As of this writing on September 28, 2017, there are now 29 states and the District of Columbia that have legalized use of medical marijuana and seven states and again the District of Columbia that have legalized recreational marijuana. That alone reveals that at least state and local officials are more in touch with reality and the concerns of their constituents than our politicians in Congress. 

But even with the passage of legitimate state laws, the federal government can chose to come into your state and charge people with violations of federal laws for marijuana (crimes?), even though they may be in compliance with state and local laws. So what is this discrepancy reveal about our politicians in Washington, federal tyranny, incompetency, lack of accountability in our Washington elite, just apathy, or all of the afore-mentioned issues? No wonder trust in our federal government hovers at 8%, an all time low!

Didn't Thomas Jefferson and other founders of our Democratic Republic warn us of this tyranny and lack of accountability? 

It sounds like our elected leaders in Congress may need to see a shrink to get some medication for those delusions of grandeur or maybe they just need to fire up some good AK-48, so they can come back down to reality from whatever planet they are currently on. All our politicians who oppose stopping marijuana legalization and still claim to be Christians, you need to repent for your hypocrisy and read what God states on the issue of plants for Our use back in Genesis 1:29-31. Try to evade that dereliction of duty for what's right and wrong when you answer to God for oppressing people because of your ignorance. 

For those still living behind the Iron/Green curtain of unjust US marijuana prohibition, we are getting the shaft and it's time to demand change to completely legalize marijuana without any governmental interference whatsoever!  

Personally, I'm a 58 year-old Christian man and have endured enough of this crap, after having been arrested several times as a young man for simply possessing a God-given plant to self-medicate with instead of alcohol or Big Pharma's toxic drugs. In the US, over half a million people are still arrested for simple possession of marijuana charges every year. With only a small number of people arrested for cultivation or possessing large amounts of marijuana with intent to sell. Although more of these arrests are now taking place with the hodge-podge of differing state laws around the country.

For those of you enjoying the right to use, consume and grow marijuana as God intended without fear of arrest or persecution (except for the federal agencies,) you can acquire great hybrid strains of marijuana seeds discreetly from many places around the world.Nirvana Seeds in Amsterdam is one location to reliably get their very own great hybrid strains that they have developed over several decades that has outstanding customer service and support!

 It is still illegal by federal US laws, to buy, sell or import marijuana seeds, although I'm not aware of any actual prosecutions, just confiscation of seeds while in route to their destination. There are certainly precautions you can take, which are addressed at many marijuana growers websites. These grow websites thoroughly discuss current best cultivation techniques for growing marijuana both inside and outsides and most issues pertaining to America's budding revolution. One of the most helpful and thorough marijuana grow websites that I've found is grow weed easy.

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